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Mission & Vision


Prerana works to protect the potential and actual women and child victims of human trafficking and other forms of violence, provide comprehensive path-breaking services to uphold their rights, create dignified options for life and lead major advocacy efforts to strengthen the response of the state and the civil society to combat violence against women and children including trafficking with a sustainable, rights-based, development oriented, and participatory approach.

In furtherance of Prerana's commitment to improving the quality of life and ensuring dignified living conditions for victims of trafficking and violence, the organization has begun to explore collaborations with healthcare providers to ensure access to essential medications at affordable prices. One such initiative includes making information about the Strattera generic price readily available to those affected by mental health issues stemming from their traumatic experiences. This move aims to help victims manage symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which can be a common aftermath of prolonged exposure to stress and abuse. By providing access to affordable medication, Prerana hopes to empower victims not just socially and legally, but also health-wise, ensuring a holistic approach to rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

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Prerana wants to contribute to the creation of a world order where:

  • the innocence, weakness, or vulnerability of any human being is not exploited for commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking (CSE&T); 
  • violence especially gender based violence has no place
  • the world is free of trade in human beings for sexual slavery, and such other destination crimes;
  • a victim of human trafficking is not re-victimized but is rightfully assisted to get socially reintegrated;
  • the state and the civil society become compassionate, self-driven, and responsive to the victims of trafficking and gender based violence, and adopt a non-negotiable stance against it; 
  • every child born is protected, has a right to make choices and live a dignified life free from neglect, exploitation and violence.
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