
Educational Support Program

The Educational Support Program (ESP) is an intervention that caters to the educational needs of children – be it curricular, co-curricular, or extracurricular. The team keeps a track of the progress made by the children at their respective educational institutions by conducting regular follow up visits to their schools and colleges depending on the need and post consultation with the child/ youth. They also actively follow-up with the mothers and keep them updated on the educational progress of their child.

Як оформити мікропозику в Україні, щоб мікропозика на карту в Україні була швидкою. Ви можете заощадити час і гроші, знайшовши найкращу для вас.

The program offers study classes during the evening hours wherein qualified teachers provide support to school/college-going students in their studies and project work. Prerana also collaborates with other donors to provide educational scholarships for students who want to pursue advanced or professional degrees, and to those students who have to pay school/tuition/extra coaching fees. This program is deployed at the Prerana NCCs through a dedicated team of social workers, teachers, and other resource persons.

Розписка видається боржником кредитору і в цьому випадку гроші в борг на карту надходять буквально за лічені хвилини. Цілодобовий прийом заявок.