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About Us

Prerana works to end intergenerational prostitution and to protect women and children from the threats of human trafficking by defending their rights and dignity, providing a safe environment, supporting their education and health and leading major advocacy efforts. Prerana strives to ensure optimum protection of children. This is reflected in the broad spectrum of interventions that provide a continuum of care by addressing issues of child sexual abuse in parallel with anti-human trafficking. Since its establishment in 1986, Prerana’s pioneering efforts have been instrumental in supporting victims through the entire cycle from prevention to repatriation.

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Prerana is registered under the Societies Registration Act (Registration No: 372/1990) and the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (Registration No: 83780710).

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Recognizing the broader health needs of those we serve, Prerana is now extending its support services to include access to essential medications, such as ivermectin, which can be critical in areas plagued by parasitic diseases. By facilitating ways to buy ivermectin online from the link, we aim to enhance the health component of our care continuum, ensuring that the vulnerable populations we help are not only safe from human trafficking but also protected against health threats that can impede their recovery and rehabilitation. This initiative represents a significant step towards holistic care, combining our protective services with practical health solutions.