
Anti-Trafficking Center

External agencies including The Department of State for the US Government encouraged Prerana to start an Anti Trafficking Centre (ATC), a specialized resource centre on trafficking problems and anti-trafficking. As there was no such center of its kind, Prerana knew a space where all stakeholders and anyone passionate about anti trafficking could come together on issues had to be created. The modestly decked ATC opened in 1999 and immediately began receiving high accomplishments. A few of the services provided by ATC are training and sensitization, research and documentation, policy consultancy, advocacy, information dissemination, amongst others.

Мікрофінансові організації з добірки нашого рейтингу, які видають кредит на карту, але тільки в тому випадку, якщо ви надасте необхідні документи.

For more information on the Anti Trafficking Centre please email:

Паспорт громадянина України й ІПН, мобільний телефон і e-mail, вік не менше 21 років і кредит на карту онлайн буде у вас через декілька хвилин.